
Why Us

Best Prices
Best Prices
We promise the most competitive prices on the market. We regularly benchmark all of our services against others in the market. Our current prices start from as little as £20/m2.
Fully Certified
Fully Certified
We're proud to be fully accredited by STROMA, TRUSTMARK, KIWA BDA and NIA. Our LogicFoam spray insulation is certified by KIWA BDA and was developed to be highly energy-efficient and cost-effective.
25 Year Manufacturing Warranty
25 Year Manufacturing Warranty
We offer a 25 Year LogicFoam Manufacturer's Warranty for all of our installations ensuring quality guarantee and customer satisfaction.
5 Day Lead Time Promise
5 Day Lead Time Promise
Our aim is to get started on your project within five working days after signing the contract.
Free Quotation
Free Quotation
Free Survey with no obligation for every customer. Our fully trained competent surveyors will visit your project advising on the most cost-effective solution.
Expert Installation
Expert Installation
All of our installers are fully trained and certified by KIWA with years of experience in the industry.

Who We Are

At Grinergy we strive for perfection. Always aiming to integrate the most innovative, cost-effective solutions on the market with the best U-Values and credentials for lasting performance. Learn more about our aim and aspirations.
about us
Who We Are




I’d like to say thank you for the work done in my house. At all times, the operators were efficient, hardworking, and courteous. The work was completed on time, with attention to detail and to a high standard
Diya Patel-Stevenson
Diya Patel-Stevenson
I recently had my loft insulated with spray foam and couldn't have imagined it going any better. All the work was done quickly and efficiently. Very happy with the result.
Mathew Sandoval
Mathew Sandoval
I just wanted to share a quick note that these guys do a great job. They did the roof insulation for us and we’re completely happy with their work. It was efficient, fast and without any mess. Excellent time management and reliable people to deal with. I would highly recommend this company
Jane Wyndham
Jane Wyndham

Client Map

Most our services are now available across England.
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Fully accredited contractors and installers
Fully accredited contractors and installers
All of our spray foam products carry KIWA Certifications. Our installers are approved by KIWA BDA, NIA, STROMA and TRUSTMARK.
High Quality and Transparency
High Quality and Transparency
We always provide the best quality service to create real value for our customers. Transparency and openness are fundamental principles behind everything we do.
Eco Promise
Eco Promise
As a business, we are committed to reducing our impact, and the impact of the construction industry on the environment. Spray foam insulation makes a massive difference to carbon emissions and the environment.

5 Day Lead Time Promise
5 Day Lead Time Promise
No matter what kind of service you are interested in, we aim to provide this within five working days. Chat with us, email or call - we'll be happy to fulfil our promise.
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